Beavers to Blair Drummond Safari Park 10.6.12
10th June 2012
If all Beavers could be at the church for no later than 9.45am, our bus will leave at 10am. We aim to be back at the church for 5pm, leaving Blair Drummond around 4pm. Could all parents ensure that children, who require travel sickness medication, have taken it before we leave.
We are hoping that it will be sunny, but in the off chance that it rains please ensure your child has appropriate clothing, i.e. a jacket with a hood, wellies etc! If all children could wear their Beaver jumper and have a packed lunch with them also.
Aayan and Alisha’s parents have kindly offered to help out on the day. Many thanks to the other parents who also offered to help!
If not paid, the £5 payment towards the cost of the trip can be paid on Tuesday 12th June. Could you please ensure that you bring the consent form with you on Sunday. If for any reason you do not have a consent form there will be copies that you can fill out before we leave.
We are all looking forward to this trip, fingers crossed it’s a good day! J
The Beaver Leader Team