Calling all Beavers and Cubs - The Big Garden Birdwatch this weekend
28th January 2011
Beavers and Cubs from the 145th are being encouraged to take part in The Big Garden Birdwatch this weekend being run by the RSPB.
All you need is a pen, some scrap paper (or, a printout of the RSPB handy bird ID sheet), and an hour to spend watching the birds in your garden on either Saturday 29, or Sunday 30 January 2011.
Then simply record the highest number of each bird species seen in your garden, or local park (not flying over) at any one time, and log-on to the RSPB website to tell them what you saw.
If you're not too sure what bird you've seen, try our easy to use bird identifier, or have a look at their A-Z of birds pages.